Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Global Imperative on Sustainability

Answers are what we have all been seeking for. Set against a backdrop of the global imperative on ecological sustainability and of dwindling natural resources and of championing human rights to solving poverty, hunger and disease, we as a race of human beings must unite and progress as one, sustainably, to ensure our survival.

Education is the key to sustainability. If the average man is to be made conscious and aware that each action he makes have an impact, he might just tread lightly during his time on earth. From information and knowledge, we derive power. With power comes responsibility. If an individual practices social responsibility, his or her efforts will be magnified when people around them are influenced and are moved by those very actions creating a ripple effect. A collection of individuals is a force to be reckoned with. In this day and age, what the public wants, they get.

Therefore, every government, every business entity and every person must endeavor to do the right thing. It comes down to individual choices. From electing a politician who cares and who has the will to carry his promises, to buying a car that is ecologically friendly, to eating at restaurants serving organic food. Each act in itself is a display of solidarity for and an act of rebellion against the opposite side. Therefore suffer those who go on their wanton ways of environmental disregard and may those who care prosper.

This explosion of awareness which transforms into activism translates into a new of life, a new way of thinking. The way we talk, the way we walk will all be different. There is hope yet for humankind as this massive shift gains ground.